Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Metrosexual Prof

I usually don’t blog about profs unless I’m complaining, but Metrosexual Prof (MProf for short) is just too amusing not to write about.  The first time I met him, I figured he was either a)your stereotypical gay, b) metrosexual, c)high.  I went with metrosexual because it seemed to fit best.  I’ve since discovered that he’s not any of the above, but the name just has a certain ring to it.

The first thing we, as a class, noticed about MProf is his ADDness….he’s literally all over the place.  He’ll be saying something, then cut off to have another conversation before returning to the original point, and if you ask a question, you really just want to be like “focus, prof, focus” because he’ll interrupt you and get distracted and go off on all kinds of tangents.  It’d be annoying if it weren’t so amusing.

The second thing we noticed was his complete addiction to Diet Coke.  Our class is 1 hour 15 minutes long.  He drinks two cans of Diet Coke every single class, without fail.  The one day he forgot his backup can, he had to leave the class to go buy a Diet Pepsi, and then had to keep going back to how “some people would see Coke and Pepsi as substitutes, but those people would be wrong….”  Then today he was a little late for class because he just flew in from Florida, and he was going through his bag muttering “oh no, oh no, oh no,” and we’re just like “you forgot your Diet Coke, didn’t you?”  He did, and he was freaking out.  His addiction is really quite amusing.

The most amazing thing about MProf is that even with his ADDness and general out-there attitude, I actually learn in that class, unlike some of my classes where the profs are really well qualified and really well focused, etc, etc.  I guess the fact that he makes it fun makes it way easier to pay attention and learn.  Yay for MProf! :)


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